These bags are versatile enough to carry your most prized possessions whether they be golf shoes, dancing shoes, tennis shoes or even bowling shoes. Made with zipper closures for easy access, convenient carry straps or mesh pockets, you always find a purpose for these bags. Multiple fabric and color selections are available, all at affordable prices.
Purchase of these shoe bags has been made easy through Lori's Golf Shoppe located in Calabash, North Carolina. Lori opened her doors in 2003 when she recognized the need to cater to the female golfer. And cater she did! She broke down the barriers for ladies golf. Customers travel hundreds of miles just to experience the shopping pleasures of Lori's Golf Shoppe located off Route 17, just northeast of the South Carolina border. Her globally recognized on-line shoppe at Lorisgolfshoppe.com opened in 2004 and the rest is history!
Shopping at either location is most enjoyable when you have the assistance of knowledgeable sales staff that can bring your game to the next level. Personalized club building and individualized instruction is sure to sweeten the pie as you get to know the many offerings of Lori's Golf Shoppe. Be sure to visit the retail shoppe or browse on-line to get the complete shopping experience while meeting all the Golfing Gals that Gather for fun and friendship.
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