Thursday, August 19, 2010

Golf Clubs For Junior

T-ball, Baseball, Soccer ... why not golf for junior? We know starting them young is the best time to learn the sport. And golf manufacturers have designed their equipment for golfers as young as three years old! Sized to meet a child's height requirements, golf bag sets generally include a light weight golf bag, putter, pitching wedge, 8 & 6 irons, and a 3 wood. Equipment design is based upon age categories of 5 and under, 5 to 8 year olds and 9 to 12 year olds. These break downs enable you to customize your club selections to best meet the physical characteristics of the young golfer. Let us not forget ... fostering good, competitive, golfing skills at a tender age can render great rewards later on ... as in the form of college golf scholarships.

Product selections can be viewed at Lori's Golf Shoppe centrally located in Calabash, North Carolina, just northeast of the South Carolina border. Lori's is a unique family golf shoppe offering a wide array of golf apparel and equipment for men, women and children. With three full-time golf professionals on staff, lessons, clinics, and customized club building are specialities. Knowledgeable sales assistants can aid you in selecting the perfect golf attire, complete with coordinating shoes, socks, visors, hats, gloves, and bags. If travel prevents you from visiting the retail shoppe, feel free to browse on-line at where you'll find over 5000 items that can take you from the golf course to the 19th hole with ease! Lori's is a "must visit" for the golfer ... and non-golfer ... in your family. It houses it all! So be sure to come to the place where "All Golfing Gals and Their Friends Gather" for fun and friendship.

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